What types of orders can I use?

Rob accepts the following types of order. If you think one needs to be added then don't hesitate to contact me about it!
Construction Military/Navy Research Operatives
Trade Founding Migration Commands

Key points

When writing orders, there are some key things to keep in mind, firstly is titles. If I said to you "castle" then you could think it meant anything. If I said "build a castle" then you have a much better idea of what I mean. It's the same here, you need to provide context for your orders and this is done by titling your orders. All of the examples will have the first section of the text bolded as if using an [o] tag. If you miss out the title then Rob will become confused and cannot run your order.

The second thing is that Rob doesn't read the same way as you or I. If you misspell something then Rob can't understand it. I am working on making Rob catch misspelt names but there is only so much that can be done.

Lastly is the "one line one instruction" rule. Rob reads each line of an order on it's own, you cannot spread an instruction out over two lines. If you name a city on one line and a building on another, Rob won't know what you mean. If you ever get confused as to what you should or should not do, post a copy of your orders to Rob Requests or ask me. Now, lets have a look at what types of order are accepted and how they are written!


Recognised titles: construction, building
Each line instruction needs to have a City name and a Building name. For a list of building names see the building list.
Build a university in Shattersteel


Recognised titles: beasts, army, navy, naval, mobilisation, military, recruitment, training, troops
This is where it gets complicated. The army and squad system means that you have lots of ways to do everything. Firstly you can simply recruit using a unit type name, the number you wish to recruit and optionally a city to recruit from.

You can also use special syntax to create new armies and new squads. Rob has a memory from line to line, a blank line will reset this memory. The memory means that if you reference an army on one line it will assume that is the army being used for squads on the following lines. Creating an army requires the following syntax:
Create army: {Army Name}, {X, Y}

If the army already exists then the location is ignored and the army is simply selected for the next line, you do however need to supply coordinates (fake ones are fine) to ensure that it recognises the name. Swap "army" for "fleet" or "airforce" to create the one that you need. After selecting an army you can do the following:
Create squad: {Squad name}, {Squad size}, {Unit type}

These orders will actually create the army or squad as soon as they are read, they don't even need to be approved. They will however create them at zero size and for free. This has to be done so that Rob can apply the orders correctly. Finally you can also add to an already existing unit by listing the unit name and the number of reinforcements.

Remember that anything after a "//" will be ignored in Rob, due to the complexity of military orders we're including comments to help you go through it.
10,000 Spearmen// Spreads out an extra 10,000 spearmen across all your armies

Create army: My First army, 100, 100// Creates an army at 100,100
Create squad: Spearmen Squad 1, 500, Spearmen// Creates a new squad in "My first army"
Create squad: Spearmen Squad 2, 500, Spearmen// Creates a new squad in "My first army"

Create squad: Spearmen Squad 3, 500, Spearmen// No result because the blank line removed our army selection

Spearmen squad 2, 2500// Adds 2500 people to your 2nd spearmen squad


Recognised titles: spell, magic, mundane, tech, research
Each line must have either a magic spell or a mundane tech. If you want to research multiple levels of something then put in multiple lines of it, Rob will attempt to research 1 level of it per line. You can combine magical and mundane research within a single block. For a list of spells, see the spell list and for a list of mundane techs see the technology list. Rob will attempt to completely research each and every item in the list, if you have something big that you want to complete over several turns then leave it till last.


Recognised titles: spies, operatives, covert, agents, subterfuge, espionage
Each line requires a grade of operative, the number that will be recruited and optionally a city for them to be recruited to. If you don't provide a city then one will be chosen for you as all Operatives must have a location. For information on operatives, see the operatives page.
5 Grade 4


Recognised titles: trade, trading, resources
Trade is a tricky one. Each line requires the name of the team you are sending things to and what you are sending. If you want to send more than one thing, remember to use more than one line. You are able to send magical spells, mundane technologies, materials and supplies.
Send Iron to Illithal
Send Fireball to Ranil
Send Economy to Ranil


Recognised titles: founding, settlement, colonisation
Founding requires you to name the new city at the very start of the line (this stops it being confused with other things) and pick a location (must be inside brackets) for the new city. After that you can add that you wish it to be a port and if you want it to be nomadic. Next you need to say how big it will be and finally you can list the cities that population will be drawn from. If you don't list cities then it assumes that all cities that can reach the location will supply population.
There's a lot there and it's got to be done in a specific way to ensure that Rob doesn't mix up one thing with another. I strongly suggest that you use the orders helper and/or test-run the orders first.
Aggrable (5, 1006) Port 7,500 Hydrus Bay, Diem Place
Baschdak (173, 951) Nomadic 11,553 Hydrus Bay, Diem Place


Recognised titles: migration
Migration requires each line to have a city name, a target location. The city will move as far as possible towards the location, if it cannot reach it then it will inform you and why. If you supply a location that the city can't move to (such as across an ocean) then it will not move there.
Majad 1076, 981
Blushbin 234, 119


Recognised titles: disband
Disbanding is the opposite of recruitment (though does not work on mages and operatives). It requires the name of the unit, the number being disbanded and optionally a city name. If no city is given the men are spread out evenly over all cities, if one is given they are sent to that city.
5000 Spearmen