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All teams have a culture

The culture describes your nation. Sure you could just say "they are barbarians" but then there are many kinds of barbarians. The culture explores a little of the way that the nation work and think, even the way that they look. Before you can start a team you must have an approved culture.

Cultures are expected to be original and creative. A boring and uninteresting culture will be turned away. If all your culture says is that you fight wars it won't be approved, if you instead fight wars and explain why then it's far far more likely to be approved.
To get an approved culture, send me the culture of the nation you want to play via PM and I will either approve it or not. If I don't approve it I will say why and also suggest ways of countering any problems with it. If you don't want to send it to me first then you can also share it with the rest of the board via the culture sandbox, there people can view it and make suggestions for you.

How do I write a culture?

All cultures are expected to follow a template for their main part. This ensures that everybody can read the culture and know about the team. The template allows for very little backstory and role play in the culture, this is intentional. Backstory and culture is however an important part of some cultures and is not part of the core because the core cannot be edited without GM approval. I don't want you to have to wait on me every time you want to add to the history of your nation.

Each culture has a topic on the board, the first post is made by myself and contains the core of the culture. If you want to add backstory, fluff or expand on the core then by all means post replies to the topic with such information. These replies are your posts and can be edited at any time of your choosing.

For a template or example, I suggest Ar'kazail's Al'tair Empire. He has posted extra information after the first post so as to elaborate on the nation. This part is optional but those that do it often enjoy the game more.