How Accident Prone Are You?

Are you the type of person who trips over sidewalk cracks and runs into door frames, or do your cat-like reflexes keep you out of harm’s way? Take our X question quiz to find out just how accident prone you are.

Do you frequent the emergency room so often that you’re on a first name basis with the staff, or do you laugh in the face of danger and walk away with nary a scratch? Find out how accident prone you are by taking the following quiz—just try not to sprain your finger when clicking on answers.

Q1: How many times have you gotten stitches?

Q2: You describe your experience on bikes, rollerblades and scooters as:

Q3: How would you best describe your car?

Q4: You compare your walking gait to that of:

Q5: When an object is out of reach, what do you do?

Q6: Have you ever broken a bone or gotten a sprain?

Q7: Your knife skills in the kitchen can be best described as:

Q8: A day at the ski slopes typically ends with:

Q9: What’s the most likely thing to trip you up?

Q10: The last time you’ve gotten a scab was:

Q11: When you have to cross the street, you:

Q12: How sure footed are you?